Koi Zen Cellars 2015 Chardonnay

Koi Zen Cellars Chardonnay
Koi Zen Cellars 2015 Chardonnay

One of Tonya’s favorite Chardonnays from our local neighborhood urban winery, Koi Zen Cellars.  She prefers Chardonnays that have been finished in stainless steel; this reduces the “buttery” profile found in many and provides a more crisp, citrus like finish.

Welcome to the site!

Mimolette, Comte, Marcona Almonds, Pajarero Figs, Koi Zen Cellars 2015 Pinot Noir, Pazo Cilleiro Albarino (not pictured, Spanish white wine)

Welcome to the site!  It is still very much new, and under construction.  The recipes page is the best example (only a list for now, have to add them all from my notes…).

We love sharing great food and drink discoveries, recipes and businesses we find ourselves frequenting along the way.  Living in San Diego we’re fortunate to be surrounded by great food and drink including our neighborhood urban winery (Koi Zen Cellars).  Check out the Places We Love pane for links to these great businesses.  Also check out the various galleries (wine, cheese, meals and more) and the Recipes page.

In general I try to post about everything before it goes into a gallery or gets updated on the recipes page.  Also every photo and post is well tagged and categorized making it easier to locate things.  As the recipes are populated there will be links to the post highlighting it and/or gallery photos.

Check out the About and Contact pages for more background information, and to send feedback, requests, comments and more.